Coronation Chicken Recipe Mary Berry

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Coronation Chicken Recipe Mary Berry

Coronation Chicken, a recipe that even culinary royalty like Mary Berry approves. Unleash your inner chef as we embark on a flavorful journey that combines the charm of a coronation with the simplicity of a backyard barbecue. With a sprinkle of Mary’s magic and a dash of humor, this dish is fit for a queen or anyone seeking a taste of majestically delicious simplicity.

Coronation Chicken recipe merry berry

What is Coronation Chicken? 

Coronation Chicken, a regally tasty dish, is not just your ordinary poultry delight – it’s like a fancy feast fit for kings and queens! This royal recipe, as crafted by the culinary wizard Mary Berry, transforms simple chicken into a flavor coronation. With a blend of creamy mayo, zesty curry powder, and a sprinkle of raisins, it’s a coronation ceremony for your taste buds that’ll have them cheering Long live the chicken.

Why is it called Coronation Chicken?

Coronation Chicken gets its regal name from its royal roots! Back in 1953, this dish was specially created for the coronation banquet of Queen Elizabeth II. Imagine being so important that a chicken dish is named after you – beats having a sandwich named after me any day! So, next time you savor this tasty combo of chicken, curry, and fruity goodness, remember, you’re basically dining like royalty.

What is Mary Berry Coronation Chicken?

Coronation Chicken, a regally tasty dish, is not just your ordinary poultry delight – it’s like a fancy feast fit for kings and queens! This royal recipe, as crafted by the culinary wizard Mary Berry, transforms simple chicken into a flavor coronation! With a blend of creamy mayo, zesty curry powder, and a sprinkle of raisins, it’s a coronation ceremony for your taste buds that’ll have them cheering. So, if you want to dine like royalty without a crown, Mary’s got you covered – no need to curtsy, just grab a fork.

Why You Love this Recipe

I adore Mary Berry Coronation Chicken recipe because it’s like a flavor party in my mouth! The curry and mayo dance together with the juicy chicken, creating a taste explosion that even my taste buds can’t resist doing. It’s so easy to make that even on my laziest days, I can whip up a dish fit for a king (or at least a really happy hungry human).

Ingredients Needed to Make Mary Berry Coronation Chicken

  • Cooked Chicken: A noble protein, already cooked and diced – because we’re here for a feast, not a jousting match!
  • Mango Chutney: Sweet and fruity, this is the knight in shining armor that adds a touch of regal sweetness.
  • Mayonnaise: The creamy court jester that binds the flavors together, making them dance in harmony.
  • Greek Yogurt: A dairy wizard that brings a touch of tanginess to the court – a yogurt with a royal twist!
  • Curry Powder: The spice wizard in the kingdom, ready to enchant your taste buds with its aromatic prowess.
  • Lemon Juice: The zesty court messenger that adds a citrusy zing to the dish – a squeeze of freshness.
  • Salt and Pepper: The loyal knights, always ready to season and bring balance to the flavor realm.
  • Almonds (optional): The crunchy jesters that add a surprise twist to every bite – because every royal feast needs a little crunch

How to Make Mary Berry Coronation Chicken

Gather Your Troops

Round up your cooked chicken, mango chutney, mayonnaise, Greek yogurt, curry powder, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and optional almonds. Think of them as your trusty kitchen comrades ready to join the flavor crusade.

Assemble the Army

In a bowl, toss in the diced chicken, introducing it to the mango chutney, a dollop of mayonnaise, and a swirl of Greek yogurt. They might not wear armor, but they sure know how to create a creamy alliance.

Spice Up the Battle

Call upon the curry powder, the spice sorcerer of the kitchen, to join the ranks. Add a squeeze of lemon juice – a citrusy general to lead your taste buds into the epicurean war zone. Season with salt and pepper, the unsung heroes ensuring a well-balanced flavor empire.

Nutty Knights (Optional)

For those seeking an extra crunch in their kingdom, toss in some almonds. They’re the unexpected warriors, adding a delightful twist to every royal bite.

Mix and Conquer

Stir the concoction with the finesse of a royal scepter until all ingredients pledge allegiance to the flavor realm. This is your chance to be the culinary sovereign – command your dish into delicious submission.

Taste the Victory

Once your Coronation Chicken is assembled, taste the triumph. Adjust seasonings if needed, and revel in the glory of your kitchen conquest.

Coronation Chicken recipe merry berry

Serve and Rule the Table

Whether you’re hosting a feast for friends or conquering a solo meal, serve your Coronation Chicken with pride. This dish is not just food; it’s a coronation ceremony for your taste buds.

How to Properly Cook Chicken?

Choose Your Wingman

First things first, select your chicken cut. Whether it’s wings, thighs, or the whole shebang – pick your poultry partner for this epicurean escapade. Just remember, no feathers allowed!

Defrost, Don’t Be a Cold Shoulder

If your chicken has been chilling in the icy depths of the freezer, give it a warm welcome by defrosting it. No one likes a frosty reception – not even your chicken.

Spice Up the Relationship

Give your chicken a flavor fling by marinating it. This is your chance to let your creativity soar! Choose herbs, spices, or sauces to add a bit of romance to your poultry rendezvous.

Preheat the Kingdom (Your Oven)

Preheat your oven – the castle of culinary wonders – to the desired temperature. It’s like rolling out the red carpet for your chicken, making sure it enters a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Rest, Let It Reflect on Its Deeds

Once your chicken has conquered the oven, let it rest. It’s like giving your culinary hero a moment to reflect on its deeds before the grand feast.

Serve with a Flourish

Finally, serve your perfectly cooked chicken with a flourish, because every kitchen triumph deserves a grand entrance onto the dinner table.

What to Serve with Coronation Chicken?


Wondering what to roll out the red carpet for alongside Mary Berry’s Coronation Chicken? Well, prepare for a taste bud VIP party! This regal dish deserves some loyal sidekicks like fluffy basmati rice – the Robin to its Batman – soaking up all that creamy curry goodness. For a royal entourage, throw in some crisp lettuce leaves or cucumber slices; they’re like the knights in shining armor, adding a refreshing crunch to the feast. And don’t forget a few naan bread pieces; they’re the jesters of the banquet, ready to scoop up every last bit of this majestic concoction.

Tips to Make Perfect Mary Berry Coronation Chicken 

  • Chicken Choosing Wisdom: Select the chicken cut that tickles your fancy – thighs, breasts, or the whole feathered ensemble. Just remember, this isn’t a fashion show; it’s a flavor parade.
  • Defrost Dexterity: Don’t let your chicken be an ice sculpture. Thaw it out properly, giving it a warm-up session before the real kitchen ball begins. No frozen fowls allowed in this culinary gala.
  • Marinade Magic: Marinate your chicken like it’s getting ready for a spa day. Let it soak in the flavors – it’s the chicken equivalent of a relaxing bubble bath. Spice, herbs, and sauces are your royal decree for flavor!
  • Roast Royalty: Place your marinated chicken on the baking throne. Into the oven it goes, ready to roast like it’s auditioning for a cooking show. Your kitchen will soon be filled with the sweet aroma of coronation dreams.
  • Check the Troop’s Temperature: Ensure your chicken is thoroughly cooked by using a meat thermometer. No one wants a chicken with a cold center – it’s not a secret agent; it’s dinner!
  • Rest and Reflect: Let your chicken take a breather. It deserves a moment to reflect on its roasted glory before making a grand entrance onto your plate. We all need a little me-time, even the poultry.
  • Garnish Grandeur: Don’t forget the finishing touch – a sprinkle of fresh herbs or a flourish of almonds. This is the garnish grandeur, turning your Coronation Chicken into a culinary masterpiece.

Variations of Mary Berry Coronation Chicken

The Tropical Twist: Hawaiian Luau Coronation Chicken

Tired of the same old chicken dance? Give your Coronation Chicken a tropical makeover by adding chunks of pineapple, coconut flakes, and a hint of lime zest. It’s like a Hawaiian vacation for your mouth – grass skirt optional.

Spice Fiesta: Bollywood Bhangra Coronation Chicken

Spice up your life with this Bollywood-inspired Coronation Chicken. Add a pinch of garam masala, a dash of cumin, and a sprinkle of crushed red pepper. Your taste buds will be doing a spicy bhangra in no time.

Mediterranean Marvel: Zorba’s Opa Coronation Chicken

Take a culinary trip to the Mediterranean by tossing in some sun-dried tomatoes, kalamata olives, and crumbled feta cheese. Your taste buds will shout “Opa!” with each delightful bite.

Tex-Mex Tango: Salsa Sensation Coronation Chicken

Give your chicken a Tex-Mex twist with diced tomatoes, black beans, and a dollop of zesty salsa. It’s a fiesta on your plate that’ll have your taste buds doing the salsa.

Asian Fusion: Samurai Sushi Coronation Chicken

Channel your inner sushi chef by adding diced avocado, pickled ginger, and a drizzle of soy sauce. It’s like a flavor-packed journey to the heart of Tokyo, minus the jet lag.

Garden Party: Veggie Delight Coronation Chicken

For the herbivores in the crowd, throw in a rainbow of crunchy veggies like bell peppers, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes. It’s a garden party in your mouth, and everyone’s invited.

Sweet and Savory Symphony: Maple Bacon Coronation Chicken

Bacon makes everything better, right? Try adding crispy bacon bits and a drizzle of maple syrup to your Coronation Chicken. It’s a sweet and savory symphony that’ll have you singing praises.

How to store Mary Berry Coronation Chicken Leftovers?

  • Store in the fridge for 3-4 days.
  • Use airtight glass containers for refrigeration.
  • For freezing, cool it completely first.
  • Transfer to freezer-safe bags or containers.
  • Remove as much air as possible before freezing.
  • Freeze for up to 2-3 months.
  • To thaw, place in the fridge overnight.
  • For a quick thaw, use the microwave’s defrost setting. Eat immediately after thawing.

Coronation Chicken recipe merry berry

How do I Reheat Mary Berry Coronation Chicken Leftovers?

For the best flavor and texture, it’s recommended to:

  • Enjoy the dish cold or at room temperature.

If you wish to reheat, follow these guidelines:

Microwave Instructions:

  • Begin by placing the chicken in a microwave-safe bowl.
  • Securely cover with a microwave-friendly lid or plate.
  • Heat for 1-2 minutes, making sure to stir halfway through for even warming.

Transitioning to Stovetop:

  • Alternatively, you can use a saucepan for reheating.
  • Gently warm on low to medium heat, stirring often.
  • Remember, it’s key not to overheat to preserve the sauce’s smooth consistency.


In Mary Berry Coronation Chicken recipe, culinary magic transforms plain chicken into a regal masterpiece. With a curry-spiced dance, a creamy twist, and a surprise appearance by raisins, it’s like a flavor carnival in your mouth – a dish fit for royalty and rebellious taste buds! So, if you’re tired of chicken’s everyday drab, let Mary Berry’s kitchen wizardry turn it into a dish that’ll make your taste buds bow down in gratitude. 

Coronation Chicken recipe merry berry


Q: What makes Mary Berry’s Coronation Chicken so special?

A: Well, Mary Berry’s Coronation Chicken is like the Beyoncé of the poultry world – it’s got that perfect blend of sweetness, spice, and everything nice. The magic lies in the curry-infused mayo sauce that turns ordinary chicken into a flavor fiesta.

Q: Can I use any chicken for this recipe, or should I consult the Chicken Council first?

A: No need to call the Chicken Council (if that even exists)! Any cooked chicken will do the cha-cha in this recipe. Leftovers, roasted, grilled – as long as it’s chicken, it’s welcome to the Coronation party.

Q: I’m not a culinary wizard. Can I handle this recipe, or will my kitchen turn into a disaster zone?

A: Fear not, kitchen apprentice! Mary Berry’s recipe is as user-friendly as a high-five. If you can mix, chop, and stir, you’re practically a culinary superhero. The only disaster here would be not trying it at all.

Q: What if I want to impress the Queen with my Coronation Chicken?

A: If you want to impress Her Majesty, just sprinkle a little extra regal charm into your mixing bowl. The secret ingredient is confidence – and maybe a curtsy when you serve it.

Q: Can I make Coronation Chicken for my vegan friends, or will they disown me?

A: Don’t worry; you won’t lose your vegan buddies. For a plant-powered twist, swap out the chicken for tofu or chickpeas. You’ll still have a dish fit for a royal feast without upsetting the herbivore harmony.


Q: What if I accidentally add too much curry powder? Will my dish start a fire?

A: If you go a bit curry crazy, just balance it out with a smidge more mayo and a dash of humor. Your dish won’t start a fire, but it might light up the taste buds.

Q7: Can I make Coronation Chicken for breakfast, or is that breaking some culinary commandment?

A: Breakfast of champions, right? While it might raise a few eyebrows, there’s no strict rule against a morning Coronation delight. Just be ready for the possibility of your taste buds demanding an encore later in the day.

Q: How long can I keep the leftovers? Will they turn into a pumpkin at midnight?

A: Leftovers turning into pumpkins? Unlikely. In the real world, your Coronation Chicken will happily chill in the fridge for about 2-3 days. After that, it might not turn into a pumpkin, but it might bid farewell to its prime.

Q: Can I serve Coronation Chicken at my wedding, or is that reserved for royal nuptials?

A: Absolutely! Coronation Chicken is the marriage of flavors, and it deserves a spot at any wedding feast, royal or not. Your guests will thank you, and who knows, maybe you’ll start a new matrimonial tradition.

Q: Any tips for a Coronation Chicken novice?

A: Dive in, brave soul! Don’t be afraid to add your own flair. If Mary Berry’s recipe is a musical score, consider it a jazz piece – feel free to improvise. Just remember the golden rule: if it tastes good, you’ve mastered the Coronation groove.

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