Delight Potato Onion Soup

Potato Onion Soup

Potato Onion Soup, where the humble spud and its tear-inducing cousin, the onion, join forces to create a bowl of warmth and flavor that’s perfect for chilly days. Picture this: potato and onion soup in a pot, creating a symphony of deliciousness that will make your taste buds do the tango. So, grab your favorite soup spoon, because we’re about to embark on a culinary adventure.

Potato Onion Soup

Potato Onion Soup Recipe: A Cozy Bowl of Comfort


  • 2 tbsp buttersee Note 1
  • 1 large vidalia onionthinly sliced into ¼” slices (2.5 – 3 cups sliced)
  • 2 cloves garlicminced
  • 24 oz yukon gold potatoesdiced into 1″ cubes (4 heaping cups), see Note 2
  • 4 cups brothchicken bone broth preferred, but any broth will yield great results
  • 1-2 cups water
  • ¼ cup dry white wineor additional broth
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tsp ground pepper
  • 1 sprig fresh rosemaryplus more for garnish
  • 1 sprig fresh thymeplus more for garnish
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice


  1. Grab a pot, put it on the stove, and melt that butter. Let it sizzle like it’s on a cooking show.
  2. Toss in the finely chopped onions and minced garlic. Saute them until they’re as soft as a grandma’s smile.
  3. Now, add those potato chunks and let them get to know the onions and garlic. They’re about to become best friends in this soup adventure.
  4. Pour in the broth, and let the party begin. Bring it to a simmer, and let those flavors mingle and dance.
  5. Sprinkle in the thyme, salt, and pepper. Go easy – we want a symphony of flavors, not a flavor overload.
  6. Once the potatoes are tender, it’s time for the star of the show: cream! Pour it in, and watch your soup turn into a silky masterpiece.
  7. Give it a taste. Adjust the seasoning if needed. Be the maestro of your soup orchestra.

Potato Onion Soup



Crusty Bread – The Soup’s Sidekick

Ah, the humble crusty bread, the Batman to your potato onion soup Robin. There’s something magical about dipping a warm, crusty slice into the velvety goodness of the soup. It’s like they were made for each other, a match approved by taste buds everywhere.

Garden Fresh Salad – The Fresh Contrast

Imagine this: a crisp, colorful garden fresh salad on the side, bringing a burst of freshness to every spoonful of your soup. It’s like the soup took a stroll through a garden, and the salad is the vibrant souvenir. Crunch, sip, repeat – a symphony for your taste buds.

Cheesy Delights – The Creamy Companions

Now, let’s talk about the cheesy wonders that can elevate your potato onion soup experience.

Bacon – Because Everything’s Better with Bacon

Let’s be honest, everything is better with bacon. Crumbled bacon on top of your potato onion soup? It’s like a flavor carnival in your mouth. The smoky, salty goodness of bacon takes your soup from delicious to downright irresistible.



  1. Cool it Down, : Before sending your soup to its cozy abode, let it cool down. No hot-headed soup storage here! Give it some time to chill out and reach room temperature.
  2. Befriend the Fridge: Once your Potato Onion Soup is all chilled and relaxed, introduce it to your fridge. Pour it into an airtight container think of it as a soup VIP suite. Pop that bad boy in the fridge, and your soup will be snug as a spud in a sack.
  3. The Freshness Pact: Your Potato Onion Soup is like a friendship; it doesn’t last forever. Aim to consume it within 3-4 days. After that, it might start feeling a bit mushy, and we don’t want a mushy friendship, do we?


  1. The Ice Age: Ready to send your Potato Onion Soup into a chilly adventure? Make sure it’s completely cooled down, then divvy it up into smaller portions. It’s like creating individual soup superheroes.
  2. Bag It Up: For an extra layer of protection against the icy winds, consider using heavy-duty freezer bags. Seal them up tight, removing as much air as possible. You want your soup to feel snug, not like it’s on a windy mountain peak.
  3. Label with Love: Don’t let your future self play the guessing game. Label your frozen soup with the date and a brief description. Your future self will thank you when they find a surprise stash of deliciousness.
  4. Avoid the Freezer Burn Scoundrels: Seal those bags like a superhero closing in on a villain. Freezer burn is the arch-nemesis of frozen soup. Make sure your bags are sealed tightly to keep the flavors intact.

Nutrition Information

Serving: Calories: 400kcal (20%),
 Carbohydrates: 27g (9%),
 Protein: 3g (6%)Fat: 30g (46%),
Saturated Fat: 7g (35%),
 Polyunsaturated Fat: 15g,
Monounsaturated Fat: 6g,
Trans Fat: 0g,
 Cholesterol: 15mg (5%),
Sodium: 622mg (26%),
 Potassium: 487mg (14%),
Fiber: 4g (16%),
Sugar: 2g (2%),
Vitamin A: 13% (13%),
 Vitamin C: 25% (25%),
Calcium: 3% (3%),
 Iron: 6% (6%)
Potato Onion Soup


In conclusion, potato onion soup is like a cozy hug for your taste buds, blending the earthy goodness of potatoes with the sweet kick of onions. This hearty bowl of warmth not only fills your belly but also your soul, making it the ultimate comfort food.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Potato Onion Soup

 Can I make Potato Onion Soup without crying over the onions?

Ah, the eternal onion struggle! Here’s the deal: chop those onions like you’re in a ninja movie – quick and precise. Or, you can recruit a trusty pair of onion goggles to shield those peepers. Tears are optional, not mandatory.

What’s the secret to achieving the perfect potato-to-onion ratio?

It’s like a delicate dance between spuds and onions. You want a harmonious blend, not a tater takeover or an onion overthrow. Start with equal parts and adjust based on your flavor fancy. It’s all about finding that soup serenade.

How do I rescue a too-thick Potato Onion Soup?

Oh no, stuck with a potato porridge? Fear not, soup savior! Just add a bit of broth or milk to the mix until you reach your desired consistency. It’s like giving your soup a makeover – instant transformation.

Can I freeze Potato Onion Soup for a rainy day?

Absolutely! Think of freezing as a time capsule for your taste buds. Make sure it’s fully cooled down, divide it into portions, seal it up tight, and throw it into the freezer. Future you will thank present you for this soupy gift.

Help! My Potato Onion Soup turned out too salty. What now?

Whoops, the salt shaker went a little overboard? Toss in some unsalted broth or veggies to balance out the flavors. You’re not cooking, you’re conducting a flavor orchestra.

Can I add bacon to Potato Onion Soup?

Bacon, the unsung hero of many dishes! Yes, you can absolutely sprinkle in some bacon bits. It’s like adding a crunchy, savory sidekick to your soup adventure. Just be prepared for your taste buds to do a happy dance.

How do I avoid a mushy potato disaster in my soup?

Cook your potatoes just until they’re tender, not until they turn into a mash. It’s like finding the perfect balance – not too firm, not too squishy. Think of it as the Goldilocks of potatoes.


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