Leftover Turkey Soup made in the Instant Pot!

Leftover Turkey Soup made in the Instant Pot!

Leftover Turkey Soup
Leftover Turkey Soup


There’s something deeply comforting about the days following Thanksgiving. The hustle and bustle of preparing the grand feast has subsided, leaving behind a sense of satisfaction, a fridge full of leftovers, and perhaps most importantly, the promise of leftover turkey soup. This humble yet hearty dish has become a staple in many households, including mine, where it carries more significance than just a way to use up extra turkey.

Every Thanksgiving, my family follows the tradition of roasting an enormous turkey, ensuring there’s enough for leftovers. The highlight of the day-after feast, however, is always the aromatic turkey soup my mother makes. The scent alone, wafting through the house, signals that the holiday season is truly in full swing.

The Art of Transforming Leftovers

The act of transforming leftover turkey into a delicious soup is an art form in itself, marrying economic sensibility with environmental consciousness. In an age where food waste is a growing concern, repurposing leftovers is both a practical and responsible choice. Leftover turkey soup embodies this ethos perfectly. Rather than discarding perfectly good meat, bones, and vegetables, they are given a second life in a dish that nourishes the body and soul.

From an economic perspective, making turkey soup from leftovers stretches the value of your Thanksgiving meal significantly. What might have been a single day’s indulgence becomes a week’s worth of nutritious meals. This practice not only saves money but also teaches us to appreciate the resources we have.

A Culinary Journey

Making leftover turkey soup is more than just a cooking process—it’s a culinary journey that invites creativity and tradition into the kitchen. I vividly recall my first attempt at making turkey soup, armed with only memories of my mother’s method. The process taught me the value of culinary heritage and the joy of passing traditions from one generation to the next.

The beauty of turkey soup lies in its versatility. Whether you prefer a classic recipe with carrots, celery, and noodles, or a more adventurous version with exotic spices and unique vegetables, there’s no wrong way to make it. Each pot of soup becomes a reflection of the cook’s personality and preferences, making it a unique experience every time.

During a particularly cold winter, a friend who had never tasted leftover turkey soup came over. As I prepared the soup, I shared the history of this meal in my family, emphasizing its role in not just feeding us but also connecting us to our past. By the time the soup was ready, the kitchen was filled with laughter, stories, and the warm, inviting aroma of turkey and herbs—a testament to the power of food to bring people together.

Health Benefits

Aside from its rich flavors and comforting warmth, turkey soup offers numerous health benefits, making it an ideal dish for post-holiday recovery. Turkey is a lean source of protein, essential for muscle repair and growth. The vegetables commonly added to the soup provide an array of vitamins and minerals, while the broth itself is hydrating and soothing for the digestive system.

The process of slowly simmering the turkey bones releases collagen and other beneficial compounds, turning the broth into a nourishing elixir that supports joint health and boosts the immune system. After the indulgence of Thanksgiving, a bowl of turkey soup can be a gentle way to ease back into healthier eating habits.

Leftover Turkey Soup
Leftover Turkey Soup

Leftover Turkey Recipes

If you’re inspired to make your own leftover turkey soup, here are a few recipe ideas to get you started:

Classic Turkey Noodle Soup

  • Ingredients: Leftover turkey, turkey bones, carrots, celery, onions, garlic, egg noodles, chicken broth, salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaves.
  • Instructions: Simmer turkey bones in chicken broth with onions, garlic, and herbs for several hours. Strain the broth, add diced carrots and celery, and cook until tender. Add shredded turkey and egg noodles, simmer until noodles are cooked. Season to taste.

Spicy Turkey Pozole

  • Ingredients: Leftover turkey, hominy, onions, garlic, red chilies, chicken broth, lime, radishes, cabbage, cilantro.
  • Instructions: Sauté onions and garlic with red chilies until fragrant. Add chicken broth and hominy, simmer for 20 minutes. Add shredded turkey and cook until heated through. Serve with lime wedges, sliced radishes, shredded cabbage, and chopped cilantro.

Creamy Turkey and Wild Rice Soup

  • Ingredients: Leftover turkey, wild rice, carrots, celery, onions, garlic, chicken broth, heavy cream, salt, pepper, thyme.
  • Instructions: Cook wild rice according to package instructions. Sauté onions, garlic, carrots, and celery until soft. Add chicken broth, cooked wild rice, and shredded turkey. Simmer for 10 minutes, then stir in heavy cream. Season to taste.

Embrace the tradition, enjoy the process, and savor the flavors of leftover turkey soup. Happy cooking!


In a world where convenience often trumps tradition, the practice of making leftover turkey soup is a reminder of the importance of valuing what we have. It’s about more than just using up leftovers; it’s about honoring the effort that went into the original meal, the memories shared around the table, and the lessons passed down through generations.

As you gather around a steaming pot of turkey soup this season, take a moment to appreciate the warmth and comfort it brings. Remember the hands that prepared it, the traditions it upholds, and the nourishment it provides. Because in the end, leftover turkey soup is more than just a meal—it’s a celebration of resourcefulness, family, and the simple joys of home-cooked food.

My Opinion

In my opinion, the practice of transforming leftover turkey into a hearty, delicious soup is not just a culinary technique but a mindful and rewarding experience. It aligns perfectly with the values of sustainability, resourcefulness, and family traditions. The joy of creating something wholesome from what might otherwise go to waste exemplifies a deep appreciation for the ingredients we have at our disposal. Furthermore, the versatility of turkey soup allows every cook to infuse their personal touch, making every batch a unique gastronomic adventure. For these reasons, leftover turkey soup holds a special place in my kitchen and my heart, and I believe it’s a tradition well worth upholding.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I store leftover Lturkey soup?

Leftover turkey soup can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days. For longer storage, you can freeze the soup in airtight containers or freezer bags for up to 3 months. Make sure to label the containers with the date to keep track of their freshness.

Can I use other meats instead of turkey?

Absolutely! The beauty of this Leftover Turkey Soup made in the Instant Pot! lies in its versatility. You can substitute leftover turkey with chicken, beef, or even a combination of different meats. Just adjust the seasonings and cooking times as needed to match your chosen meat.

What vegetables can I use in the soup?

You can use a variety of vegetables in your turkey soup. Common choices include carrots, celery, onions, and potatoes. However, you can also add spinach, kale, bell peppers, or any other vegetables you have on hand. The more, the merrier, as they contribute to the flavor and nutritional value of the soup.

How can I thicken my turkey soup?

To thicken your Leftover Turkey Soup made in the Instant Pot!, you can add a roux (a mixture of butter and flour) or cornstarch slurry (cornstarch mixed with water) to the broth. Additionally, pureeing a portion of the vegetables and adding them back to the soup can create a thicker, creamier texture.

Is it possible to make turkey soup without broth?

Yes, if you don’t have broth on hand, you can use water and add extra seasonings such as salt, pepper, garlic, and herbs to enhance the flavor. Cooking the soup with turkey bones will also contribute to a rich, flavorful broth.

Can I make turkey soup in an Instant Pot?

Certainly! Leftover Turkey Soup made in the Instant Pot! in an Instant Pot or any pressure cooker is a great way to save time. Simply sauté your ingredients in the Instant Pot, add the broth, turkey, and vegetables, and cook on high pressure for about 10 minutes. Allow the pressure to release naturally for best results.

What are some variations of leftover turkey soup?

There are numerous variations you can try, including adding different grains like barley or quinoa, incorporating legumes such as lentils or beans, or experimenting with different spice blends. You can also make it creamy by adding milk, cream, or coconut milk.

Keep experimenting and adapting the recipe to suit your taste and dietary preferences. Enjoy the process and happy cooking!


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Iqra is a teacher who loves to write articles on her blog, trendypreference.com. She carefully looks into different topics and shares easy-to-understand information. Read her blog to learn cool stuff about education and more!

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